
Would you like to see news about your organization on Forbes.com, the Associated Press, national news websites and even your local newspaper? Professionally written and submitted press releases may be the answer you’re looking for!

When you see the words “Press Release”, what comes to mind? A lifeless document in tiny type coming over the local news organization’s fax machine and then tossed into a waste basket moments after it arrives? Unfortunately, that’s the fate of most traditional “Press Releases”.

When we share your message with the world, True Potential Media mixes the best of traditional and non-traditional delivery platforms to insure that your message reaches and is read by your target audience. The press release we write and deliver for your organization will never be created for just one news or marketing channel. We target every news and marketing channel (news organization, website, magazine, newspaper, radio, television) with an audience looking for your message. News and marketing channels are hungry for content. We design our press release to be content rich, some even include accompanying video! These content rich press releases propel your organization’s news to the front of the line as news and marketing channels submit stories to their editors.

Our internet press releases not only notify the public about happenings in your organization, they also give internet search engines information to index. Search engines (like Google and Yahoo!) rank your website based on how many other web sites link to yours. We design our internet press releases (your press releases) with credible links, which combined with traditional press releases, give your organization overwhelming exposure on and off the internet.

True Potential Media press releases are always submitted to credible news sources and we guarantee that they will be picked up by the news and marketing channels we target.

Types of press releases we offer:

  • General Press Release: This is what most people think of when they hear “press release”. A general press release is ideal when your organization has news to be shared with the public via general media exposure. A general press release might be used any time your organization runs a contest, wins an award or has other wide-ranging news about your organization’s activities.
  • Launch Release: A launch press release is similar in format to a general press release, but it performs a more specific function. Launch press releases should be considered when your organization has news that requires extra urgency or timeliness. A launch press release creates buzz about your organization’s product, service, website or. Launch press release are ideal when launching a new product, service, website, magazine, catalog, initiative or mission within the organization.
  • Product Press Release: A product press release is used when your organization needs to include specifics for a product or service. Product press releases can overlap launch releases when a new product is launched. They can also be used if a product or service wins an award, reaches a sales milestone, has a product upgrade available, or even a recall. Product press releases can be used for any product or service focused news and often benefit by including product photos or endorsements.
  • Executive/Staff Announcements: This press release is for management and staff changes, especially when high level managers shift positions or are brought on board. Executive/Staff announcements include biographical information, previous experience or accolades and almost always a photo of the subject.
  • Expert Positioning Press Releases: This is typically the least urgent of all press release formats. Expert Positioning press releases are used to share or detail the expertise of an individual within the organization. Although not urgent, this type of press release is very important because it establishes the individuals within your organization as experts or ‘go-to’ sources for expertise or information in your industry. National news organizations often contact ‘industry experts’ from this type of release when working on related stories.
  • Event Press Releases: Event press releases cover the who, what, when, where, and why of any upcoming organization event. This type of press release is often in list or outline form. The information in event press releases is targeted for the media to announce the event details to the public rather than to convince the media to attend.

These are the just six types of press releases True Potential Media offers. We can mix and match and target them specifically to your audience as your circumstances require. Please contact us for an evaluation of your press release needs by visiting and completing the form on our contact us page.