David A. Branch, Esq.


Justice Now in the Courts of Heaven

The U.S. Supreme Court is the most powerful institution in our government, and because the United States is the most powerful government on the earth, the U.S. Supreme Court is the most powerful institution on the earth.

The most important battle is the one that takes place in the courtroom. After a judge issues a ruling, the rest is academic, and it is just a matter of enforcing the ruling. The battles we face in life will be fought and won in court. Just maybe not the court you imagine.

Adjudicate: Justice Now in the Courts of Heaven addresses how to obtain justice through the process of adjudication when facing indictments or presenting claims against others.

Answers to prayers must go to the Court of Judgment in the Courts of Heaven and get a judgment and order from the Righteous Judge.

Adjudicate: Justice Now in the Courts of Heaven teaches how to obtain a righteous declaratory judgment from God the Father, our Righteous Judge, for every issue we confront and see it manifest in the earth. The heavenly court may be the only tool available to those living with an injustice, and it is also the most effective tool.

About the author

David A. Branch is a born-again believer and an attorney in Washington, D.C.

In 1995, he joined Rhema Christian Center Church in Washington, D.C., and recommitted his life to the Lord. He completed Givens Bible College at Rhema Christian Center and served as a Deacon. While at Rhema, David became an intercessor for Washington, D.C., and the nation and has been a watchman for the City for 25 years.

In2001, the Lord spoke to David that he would proclaim his Word from the Capital. He later joined Capital City Church and served as a Bible teacher, life group leader, and the Director of the Be the Love Foundation. While at Capital City Church, he underwent a three-year train- ing session on the Courts of Heaven under the direction of an anointed prophet and seer. David traveled to Israel with his family in 2018 and had a further encounter with the Lord and received insight into what He is doing in the earth.

David is the founder of Matthew 23:23 Ministries and a humanitarian, serving and providing financial support for under-served communities in Washington, D.C., and Maryland, and supporting ministries in Israel, a school in Kenya, and an educational center in South Africa. He facilitates a One Hour weekly Bible Study on Tuesday evenings, and now trains and teaches nationally and internationally on Justice in the Courts of Heaven.

To my readers:

I want to hear from you. If you follow the prayer protocol and file a petition and prayer with the Righteous Judge, I want to hear from you. Please send me an email at davidbranch@dbranchlaw.com with your testimonies and so I can join my faith with your faith and see the Righteous Judge answer your petitions and prayers.