by Steve Spillman | Aug 5, 2015 | blog, Books, Choosing a publisher, Goals |
Is your book is going to be a success? It would be nice to know, wouldn’t it? I’ve got news. You can know, and, as your publisher, we can help. Publishing a successful book depends on how you define “success.” The definition of “success”...
by Steve Spillman | Jun 17, 2015 | blog, Books |
I’d like to say ‘goodbye for now’ to a friend and author Wesley Smith. Last week Wes joined the saints in Heaven who wait for us. His life of service and joy and continually ignoring the rules was an inspiration to me. Very early in my publishing...
by Steve Spillman | Mar 25, 2015 | blog, Marketing |
Ministry leaders should also be authors. It’s a natural (and profitable) fit. Whether you’re a pastor, preacher, teacher, evangelist, or any other kind of public speaker, your primary mode of communicating your message is through personal, live-spoken...
by Steve Spillman | Mar 16, 2015 | blog, Books |
The first book of the Bible was written almost 3,500 years ago, by a Jewish man to a Jewish audience of his contemporaries, in the Hebrew language. The last book of the Bible was written almost 2,000 years ago, by a Jewish man, to a mixed Jewish and Gentile audience...
by Steve Spillman | Mar 1, 2015 | blog, Marketing |
New authors (and some not so new) can be under the impression that once their book has been published it will somehow find its way to it’s ‘audience,’ or that the ‘audience’ will find its way to the book, and the book will sell to ‘everyone’....
by Steve Spillman | Dec 24, 2014 | Books |
The Two Doors, by Shelly Forgey, is a children’s book in the same way that The Little Prince is a children’s book. It touches the child that lives in each of us. In a world where bad things happen, this book brings healing and forgiveness to children, and to adults,...
by Steve Spillman | Jun 2, 2014 | blog, Books |
End Codependency “To be dependent on someone else means I am not depending on me. If I am not depending on me, I have no true control. After all, the only thing I can actually control is me! Therefore, depending on you means I am out of control! There are few...
by Steve Spillman | Feb 27, 2014 | blog, How to write a book in 30 days |
Let’s review: The first step we took on this journey was to simply ‘begin writing’ – to develop the habit of writing on a regular schedule. In the end, writers write; if you’re not writing regularly you may want to be a writer someday, but you’re not a...
by Steve Spillman | Feb 18, 2014 | Books |
It is inherent in the fabric of mankind to make one’s life better. The desire to succeed is part of our permanent internal wiring. Yet, nearly everything and everyone in our life has unintentionally played a role in programming us to accept certain limitations....