by Steve Spillman | Oct 10, 2013 | blog, Marketing |
How do I find my book’s potential audience and how do I reach them? Remember last week we talked about how technology has changed the publishing world. The publishers, distributors and bookstores aren’t in control anymore. The consumer (your reader) determines which...
by Steve Spillman | Oct 3, 2013 | blog, Books, Marketing |
Last week we talked about how technology has allowed (really forced) two fundamental shifts book industry landscape: 1) Technology has allowed the content creator (the author) direct access to the content consumer (the reader) and vice versa. 2) Technology has changed...
by Steve Spillman | Sep 26, 2013 | blog, Books, Marketing |
So, if I don’t rely on bookstores to sell my books, on whom do I rely? Your audience. Remember, you’re trying to reach your book-buying audience, not distributors, bookstores or even Amazon, they’re all just links in the chain that tie you to (or keep you from) your...
by Steve Spillman | Sep 19, 2013 | blog, Marketing |
Although this hasn’t always been true, it’s true today. I know, sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? But let’s think about this. Your book is one of about 30 million books available in the world. And, let’s say, our sample bookstore carries 60,000 titles, which is a pretty...
by Steve Spillman | Sep 11, 2013 | blog, Marketing |
Editor’s note: This article was written in 2013. The numbers themselves are out of date but the trend continues. Standby for a 2020 update. I began this piece titled ‘Marketing Your Book in the 21st Century.’ The idea being that 21st Century technological...
by Steve Spillman | Aug 1, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
Have a Facebook Page but getting zero engagement from your fans? There are some ways that you can stir up your audience that we cover in this week’s video on how to engage your Facebook Page fans (Likes). Topics include: Time of day to post your content, what...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 25, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
Did you know that your Facebook Page can like other Facebook Pages? You may be saying to yourself, “Why should I do that?”. There are benefits to Liking a Page as your Page: Can’t comment on another Page as your Page unless you Like it as your Page...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 18, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
Research plays an important role in the decisions you make about your marketing. Page Insights monitor activity on your Facebook Page. They tell us what our fans are doing on our Timeline or with our messages in their News Feed. We can see their online activity, such...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 16, 2013 | blog, self-publishing |
Bonus Mistake #11: It’s ‘Foreword’ not ‘Forward’ You’ve read through this e-book. Congratulations! As a prize, here’s a bonus tip for you: This mistake I didn’t list in Ten Biggest Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make, but it’s a...