by Steve Spillman | Jul 11, 2013 | blog, Choosing a publisher |
The first step in selling your book is to be sure your potential audience knows about it … and about you. The easiest way to do that, in today’s digital world, is to go where your potential audience gathers and join the conversation. Where does your potential audience...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 11, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
The most fundmental way to increase your number of Likes to your Facebook Page is inviting your personal friends. The Invite Friends function provides multiple segmenting options including offering friends you interact with frequently, friends who are local to your...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 9, 2013 | blog, self-publishing |
Mistake #10: I’m an Author! My Student Days are over! I imagine you put a lot of research into writing your book. I know I did. I spent more time reading than I did writing. At almost every turn in my writing, I had to stop, research the topic, find a fact or confirm...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 4, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
Happy fourth of July! I pray that you are enjoying a great day with your family. Why not blog about it and let your fans into your life? They would love it! One way to do that is Facebook Notes. Facebook Page Notes are used to publish content that is too large to...
by Steve Spillman | Jul 2, 2013 | blog, self-publishing |
Mistake #9: I’m a Star! My Fans will Come to Me! Now that you’ve finished writing your book, now that it’s published, your job as an author is over, right? Now it’s time for you to sit back and enjoy the success your book will have among the masses and the...
by Steve Spillman | Jun 25, 2013 | blog, self-publishing |
Mistake #8: Publishers are All Crooks! I Can Represent Myself! Which brings up my next point: yes, it can seem that publishers are all crooks. Publishers are in business, and the point of business is to make a profit. And, concerning your book, your publisher is...
by Steve Spillman | Jun 20, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
Do you have any Milestones in your life, your book, your product, your company that you want to highlight on your Facebook page? Milestones are the answer. Watch this video to learn the basics of how to create Milestones. The tips for creating engagement are the same...
by Steve Spillman | Jun 18, 2013 | blog, self-publishing |
Mistake #7: I Don’t Need Distribution, I’ve Got Amazon! Okay, I just said that ‘you alone are responsible for your success.’ I get that. I started in this business as an author. Now I’m a publisher: I know better than most, the limits of ‘distribution.’ First,...
by Steve Spillman | Jun 13, 2013 | blog, Video Blog |
When you want to get your friends, fans, or family members together, creating an event on your Facebook page is one way to let everyone know about it. Facebook events allow you to post information about something that is taking place in the future. Using this function...