Telling Your Story

Telling Your Story

I was talking to a book publisher friend of mine in the UK this morning and I told him that our business really shifted a few years ago from publishing books to telling stories. We publish books, lots of them, but that’s not our business. Our business, whether...
Don’t Bother with a Book Proposal

Don’t Bother with a Book Proposal

I received a manilla 8 x 10 envelope in the mail from a close friend of mine this week. Inside was another manilla envelope, self-addressed and postage paid, along with an introduction letter (I’ve known her all her life), a one page bio (I’ve known her...
A Sowing Lesson

A Sowing Lesson

What does it mean to ‘reach the world’ with your message? Whether you’re a writer, teacher, preacher, speaker, entrepreneur or fundraiser, ‘reaching the world’ means touching your widest possible audience, effectively, with your message....
Reach the World

Reach the World

“Reach the World”. That’s our tag line at True Potential. What does that mean exactly? Is it just a snappy tag to keep our logo company or do we really believe it? Can we reach the world? Can we help you ‘reach the world’? We believe we...
Who is setting your goals?

Who is setting your goals?

In my business planning for True Potential Media in the new year and the goals I was setting (revenue, expenses, net profit, etc.), it occurred to me this morning to ask God what He would have me do in the business, what His goals were for the business in the new...