Legacy and Artifacts

Legacy – “something of value left by one who has come before.” *Last week I was invited to a chapel service at Holmes Bible College by my friend and author Chris Maxwell. It was a good service. Chris is an engaging speaker and the students led worship and other...

Begin the Writing Habit

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   Module 1. Begin the Writing Habit Step One: simply begin to write. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even having your ideas in order; just write. The physical and mental act of writing will begin to let your ideas flow to...
5 reasons your book won’t sell

5 reasons your book won’t sell

Publishing your book doesn’t guarantee that people will buy it. 1. You haven’t finished writing it. Really? Of all the authors I spoke with who were “working on their manuscript” a year, or two ago, you’d be surprised how many of those authors are still “working on...