by Steve Spillman | Nov 15, 2017 | 10 Dynamics, blog, Virtual Writer's Conference |
Your Medium Dynamics of a Successful Book: Lesson 3 People do judge a book by its cover, and its interior. The quality of your book’s presentation is a reflection of the quality of your message. Beyond the aesthetics of your cover and interior, professionals...
by Steve Spillman | Nov 10, 2017 | blog, Books |
A Comedy of Religious Proportions “SO, WHAT YOU’VE GOT IS ME, BABY. JUST ME TO TELL YOU what happened in Beulah, SC, the year the rabbi found out. But before I get into all that, I should tell you who you’re lookin’ at. I’m not very big for a pastor’s wife and I have...
by Steve Spillman | Nov 8, 2017 | 10 Dynamics, blog, Virtual Writer's Conference |
Your Audience Dynamics of a Successful Book: Lesson 2 One of the first questions I ask new authors is. “Who is your intended audience?” Way too often I get the reply, “Oh, everyone.” “Everyone” is a non-answer. No book is for...
by Steve Spillman | Nov 2, 2017 | blog |
Nannette Oatley Johnson’s book Pain, Power and Promise: 19 Ways to a Bolder, Stronger and More Resilient Life! (2018 edition) is scheduled to be released in January. Like many of our authors, Nannette is a professional speaker. But she also holds Bachelors and...
by Steve Spillman | Oct 31, 2017 | 10 Dynamics, blog, Virtual Writer's Conference |
Your Story Dynamics of a Successful Book: Lesson 1 Wherever I am, when someone discovers that I’m a publisher, I hear, “My cousin is writing a children’s book” or “I’ve always thought about writing a book.” The desire to write...
by Steve Spillman | Oct 19, 2017 | blog, Marketing |
I had dinner last night with a couple who had some questions about the publishing process and what it would take to succeed as authors. He was a ministry professional and she was was a business professional, but still deeply involved in ministry. What I appreciated is...
by Steve Spillman | Aug 30, 2017 | blog, Books |
I have a free gift for you (they won’t last long), but first I want to ask you a question Have you ever thought about what it takes to be a successful author? Chris Maxwell has written and published eight books, not including the more than twenty books he has...
by Steve Spillman | Aug 22, 2017 | blog, Writing |
WARNING READ THIS FIRST Let me say one thing before we move on: A book is a trade commodity. It is meant to be shared. You can sell it, you can give it away, you can shoot it out of a cannon at half-time, but a book (and the message inside) exists to be shared. If...
by Steve Spillman | Aug 11, 2017 | blog, Choosing a publisher |
You have a story to share with the world. Writing and publishing your book may be one of the most important things you will do in your life. As an author, you may have one book inside or several. Some of our more popular authors have written and published more than a...