Gold pens falling from Heaven

Gold pens falling from Heaven

One of our new authors, Trudy Colflesh, shared something with me yesterday that I thought was powerful enough to share with you and every other believing author. It’s from a book of prophecies written by Bill Yount, published in 2004. I Heard Heaven Proclaim:...
How Sherrie Sells Books

How Sherrie Sells Books

Sherrie knows how to sell books Sherrie Rice Smith is a retired nurse (RN). She has more than four decades in nursing, which includes work in medical-surgical, home health, and hospice care. Sherrie is also an authority in the field of “Emotional Freedom Techniques.”...

Finding Nathan

Twenty-two years ago, on their way to a church Christmas program most of the Jirovec family were involved in a horrific automobile accident. Some of the family members escaped with minor injuries; some did not. One of the Jirovec boys, Jonathan, was killed. The twists...

The Future of Books

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” Wayne Gretzky I think about the future of books … a lot. I study where we are now, where trends seem to be going, where technology is taking us and...
CreateSpace, when free isn’t

CreateSpace, when free isn’t

You can publish your book for free. It’s true! Just go to CreateSpace (now Amazon kdp), It’s owned by Amazon. Upload your manuscript, upload or create your book cover right on their website. Go through their process of quality checks, fill in a lot of blanks (ISBN,...