C. Tracy Reynolds

Second Chair Leadership

How to Serve, Thrive, and Lead from Where You Play

Arriving first, being first, striving for first place, and sitting on top of the heap are what our culture says we should strive for. Nobody shoots for second-best in life. But there can only be so many senior executives, presidents, head coaches, or lead pastors. The hard truth is that most of us will live our lives from at least second chair or even lower. I think that is something to be celebrated and leveraged for the greater good.

In the music world, every section has a section leader. They sit in first chair and play first part; second chair players play second part, etc. One part is not better or more necessary than the others. Each is important and integrates into the common goal of a well-executed musical performance.

After over four decades of leading from the middle of the pack, I want to make the case that second chair just may be the best seat in the house!

Second-chair leadership matters. Who we are, what we do, and how we do it as second chair leaders may determine the success or failure of our team, our mission, or our longevity. I am inviting you to journey with me through a comprehensive tour of the multifaceted world of leadership from the second chair in the grand hope that you will thrive from wherever you sit in your organization.

Tracy Reynolds offers a fresh perspective on the issue of leading when you’re not the one at the top, which is where most of us spend our lives. The ideas are both practical and heartfelt. This book stands out from others on this subject, as it’s full of stories, strategies and steps to take to influence from the ‘second chair.’ You don’t have to be a musician to get it. I highly recommend this book.”

Tim Elmore

Founder, growingleaders.com

“In his book, Second Chair Leadership, my close friend Tracy Reynolds captures the team spirit of true leadership. No leader stands alone by himself or herself in championing any noteworthy cause. A true leader is able to serve as a magnet that attracts talented leaders, instills in them his or her vision and molds them into a cohesive unit.”

Dr. David Cooper

Pastor, Mount Paran Church, Atlanta, GA

“For the past 20+ years, I have had the remarkable privilege of watching Tracy Reynolds lead with organizational clarity, passion, and mission from ‘the second chair.’ The principles and values that Tracy shares in this timely leadership book are more than helpful suggestions; they are the practice of his life.”

Tony Vismor

Lead Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church

About the author

Dr. C. Tracy Reynolds: With over forty years in pastoral ministry, Tracy has served in multiple capacities within the church, as a college professor, a VP in higher education, and as an associate trainer for John Maxwell’s EQUIP. He is a lifelong learner in leadership, discipleship, and organizational development. Tracy currently serves at Grace Fellowship in
Watkinsville, GA, and co-hosts Next Step Leadership, a podcast with Chris Maxwell.
He and his wife, Lisa, have been married for over forty years. They have two grown children and three granddaughters. He loves jazz, coffee, Braves baseball, and spending time with the tiny people that call him “Papa.”

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