Carlos Malone Sr.

Rich Shepherd Poor Sheep

The Call to Accountability

Predatory practices have almost become the norm with some charismatic preachers. Those who are supposed to represent God have been seduced into serving their own bellies. Backroom deals designed to probe the congregation for money destroy any sense of integrity in the role which with these leaders have been trusted.

When this happens the Body of Christ is damaged.

This book is not about specific individuals; it is about an ideology that has weakened both the effectiveness and influence of those who lead and represent the Church.

There are more good preachers than bad; it’s just that the bad throw a negative light on all. It’s common to see the bad in things more than the good, and the media knows that bad sells better than truth. I won’t feed the narrative of those who say that all preachers are pimps, players and predators. That is not true.

Not all financially struggling preachers are authentic and not all financially successful preachers are false.

My past includes times when I have allowed the pleasures of my flesh to temporarily pervert the power of my spiritual influence. But I’ve learned that when too much of my flesh manifests, my spiritual power is rendered ineffective.

My hope is that those who read this book would consider exposing themselves to themselves and allow God to heal those broken places. Preaching and ministering are so much more effective when we allow ourselves to be transparent, truthful and trusting while God graciously delivers us through all the things that could potentially stagnate our effectiveness.

Influence comes with great responsibility. How God found us is not the way he intends us to remain. We must embrace both challenge and chastisement, so we can reflect His glory, grace and goodness.

My only prayer is that those who read this book will be inspired to walk in the Truth and Power of God’s calling on your life.

The Rib Connection

The Rib ConnectionWhat’s worth the most investment, the wedding or the marriage? So often couples make the mistake of committing before connecting! Everyone wants good relationships, but many people are confused about how to establish and maintain them. This is particularly true when it comes to marriage. Unfortunately, in an issue in which it should speak in a clear voice, the church today often sends a message that is just as confused as what the world says. Christians divorce at almost the same rate as non-Christians, and many believers are unsure of the biblical standards regarding sex, infidelity, unfulfilling marriages, premarital sex, and divorce. In The Rib Connection, Carlos L. Malone, Sr. strips away the confusion and gives clear, biblical answers to these and other questions related to marriage and relationships. Are you single and looking for your love connection? He addresses the importance of communicating before marriage. Are you married and unfulfilled? He discusses how to discover the unique needs of your mate—and how to have your mate fill your unique needs. He also lays out principles for dealing with—and avoiding—the problem of infidelity. The Rib Connection faces the daunting issues of marriage and relationships with refreshing clarity.

The Road to Purpose

The Road to PurposePotential speaks to the existence of the inherent capacity of possibility that exists within a person or a thing. The inward existence of potential, whether it is good or bad, doesn’t guarantee the success or reality of that potential in a positive form of existence. Many things can, have, and will hinder a person’s potential because of a mindset of uncertainty, lack of motivation or ignorance beyond defeat. In The Road to Purpose, it is the intent of Carlos Malone to get readers of this book to not just realize their potential, but to pursue the purpose for which that potential has been given.


About the Author

Carlos L. Malone, Sr

Carlos L. Malone, Sr. is an apostle, prophet, pastor, entrepreneur and motivational speaker. He began preaching and teaching on April 21, 1977 in East St. Louis, Illinois which began his journey to transition, build and edify the body of Christ using immutable kingdom principles.

His style of teaching is refreshingly authentic and genuine. The five-fold ministry anointing upon his life is equipping and impacting ministries in the United States and abroad. His bold approach to deliverance and spiritual wholeness through transparency is a Biblical blueprint for those seeking a better way of life in God for their families, professions, communities, wealth and health.

Apostle Malone is the senior pastor of The Bethel Church in Miami, Florida. This is the apostolic center for his ministries. His vision embraces the whole of the gifts that God gave the body of Christ for the purpose of its pure maturation and effectiveness. This vision has given birth to the Rhema Apostolic International Network (R.A.I.N.), an apostolic training network for those who desire to walk in spiritual authority and wholeness through training, transformation and triumphing through God’s kingdom agenda. According to Apostle Malone, “Rain comes in drops, sometimes those drops are so massive that they cause floods. Once Rain is accompanied by winds it creates disasters of enormous proportions. There has to be a reformation (wind) of change that is totally designed by Him, for Him, and the people in who He loves and longs for. There is a hunger in the land for something meatier and less sweet, more substantive and less shallow, more spiritual and less spirited, more transparent and less pretentious. There is a rumbling from the heavens, it’s time for God’s people to be set free from religion layered spirituality, it’s time for Rain.”

His radical and relevant ap proach is evident in his published works also. His latest book, entitled “The Rib Connection” is accompanied by a work book also designed to strengthen and stabilize marital relationships through simple, practical methods. Other authored books include, “The Integrity of Ministry,” “God’s Created Order” and “Hidden in His Hands.”

Apostle Malone has shared his gift of song and worship for three decades. He’s produced and directed theatrical works, which includes Jesus For The People and O’Come Let Us Adore Him. He is recognized world-wide for his tenor voice on recordings, including “Bethel in Praise”, a 2004 solo debut CD entitled “Thirst No More,” and “A New Thing” also featuring Bishop Paul Morton, Be-Be Winans, Byron Cage and a host of other artists.

He is a devoted husband to his wife Pamela, who is his partner in ministry, and a loving father to his children—twin daughters Ashley and Andrea and son Carlos, Jr., and his beloved godson Raymond Young.


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