One New Man Bible

One New Man Bible

The first book of the Bible was written almost 3,500 years ago, by a Jewish man to a Jewish audience of his contemporaries, in the Hebrew language. The last book of the Bible was written almost 2,000 years ago, by a Jewish man, to a mixed Jewish and Gentile audience...
Take Control of Your Life

Take Control of Your Life

End Codependency “To be dependent on someone else means I am not depending on me. If I am not depending on me, I have no true control. After all, the only thing I can actually control is me! Therefore, depending on you means I am out of control! There are few...
Is Your Book Stuck?

Is Your Book Stuck?

I communicate with a lot of authors and soon-to-be authors each week. We talk through strategies and ideas on how best to share their work with readers, we talk about the state of the publishing industry, Christian publishing in particular, and how technology has...
The Five Best Books On Writing

The Five Best Books On Writing

I wanted to give an early Christmas gift (or maybe just a few ideas for your own Christmas list). I have a lot of books on the rules for writing and the business of writing, but my favorite books on writing have always been on the craft of writing – the magical,...