
Begin the Writing Habit

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   Module 1. Begin the Writing Habit Step One: simply begin to write. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even having your ideas in order; just write. The physical and mental act of writing will begin to let your ideas flow to...
5 reasons your book won’t sell

5 reasons your book won’t sell

Publishing your book doesn’t guarantee that people will buy it. 1. You haven’t finished writing it. Really? Of all the authors I spoke with who were “working on their manuscript” a year, or two ago, you’d be surprised how many of those authors are still “working on...
Gods Wisdom free book

Gods Wisdom free book

God’s Wisdom For a Fair and Just World There is one lie powerful enough to seduce the entire world and compel all of humanity into anarchy, rebellion, rioting, and the destruction of civilization as we know it. It’s playing out right now in the streets of...