Whys, Goals, and Obstacles

WARNING READ THIS FIRST Let me say one thing before we move on: A book is a trade commodity. It is meant to be shared. You can sell it, you can give it away, you can shoot it out of a cannon at half-time, but a book (and the message inside) exists to be shared. If...

The Future of Books

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” Wayne Gretzky I think about the future of books … a lot. I study where we are now, where trends seem to be going, where technology is taking us and...

Why books won’t go away

I purchased another book this week. The Third Wave: An Entrepreneur’s Vision of the Future by Steve Case. I don’t know if the name Steve Case rings a bell with you. Maybe you remember. “you’ve got mail.” Steve founded America Online (AOL), the service that got America...

The real reason to share your story

I received a letter the other day from a man in prison. We receive them fairly regularly; prisoners are allowed to write to request books. Since they’re not allowed to contact the authors directly, the letters come to us. Jesus had something to say about showing mercy...

A book is a legacy

Two recent events reminded me of the profound legacy a book can leave. First, I finished When Breath Becomes Air, a book by the gifted neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi. Paul died of lung cancer last Spring, at the age of 37. When Breath Becomes Air was published...