Dr. Dale Fife


Exploring the Heavens: The Journey of the King’s Scribe

“Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

You’re holding in your hands a treasure chest, a road map, and a sacred invitation birthed out of countless hours of watching, listening, and engaging in God’s presence. This book was birthed out of the very heart of God! Get ready to receive from the wealth of Dr. Dale Fife’s communion and unwavering ‘yes’ to Christ! Let this unstoppable pioneer of heavenly realms and the heart of Yahweh exhort you, inspire you, and lead you into all that God has prepared for those who love Him in this day. And may I suggest you put on a seat belt…you’re about to be propelled into heavenly orbits!

Jay Bennett
Youth With a Mission (YWAM) International Teacher and Intercessor
Founder of the Global Strategy Corps

Dr. Dale Fife’s Pneumanaut: Exploring the Heavens: The Journey of the King’s Scribe drew me on with anticipation much like an epic film. A progression of intensity and wonder escalates seamlessly from beginning to end, as though we’re ascending a spiral staircase from earth up to the River of Life. Each new experience is more intense, more astounding than the last, and preparatory for the next; I couldn’t have experienced the Conservatory without visiting the Library first. You have faithfully opened the royal scroll and let its contents spill out.  Please, God, help Your Church—help me!—to eat this scroll from Your hand and do as You have commanded in spite of the tangled underbrush of earth gripping our ankles! How foolish we are to stare at the dust under our feet when we have access to the immediate presence of every characteristic of our Father.

Michele Gunn
Fresh Oil Ministries International

Spirit Wind:

The Ultimate Adventure

Spirit Wind: The Ultimate Adventure is the story of a spiritual pioneer, an end-time warrior who finds himself in Frontier Town. Join the author as he learns about the people and places to be found in God’s training center for His spiritual pioneers. Building on the revelation of Dr. Fife’s previous books, The Secret Place and The Hidden Kingdom, Spirit Wind will sweep you into an adventure of the American West and into an adventure in the spirit beyond anything you’ve ever imagined. If you’ve been thirsting for God, longing to experience more of His presence, then come away and spend some time in Frontier Town with Spirit Wind.

About the author

Dr. Dale FifeDr. Dale Arthur Fife is a best-selling author, pastor, gifted teacher, and musician with an insatiable passion for intimacy with God. His zeal for the Lord has led him on an incredible journey from his first pastorate of a small rural church in a coal-mining town outside of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, to the co-founding of a large multiracial inner-city church in Pittsburgh. His five decades of ministry experience includes church planting on several continents, establishing an orphanage in India, and consulting with business and church leaders globally. Because of the increasing requests for mentoring and ministry relationships, he founded Mountain Top Global Ministries, a network of pastors, ministries, businesses, and leaders with local, regional, and international impact.

His enthusiasm and hunger for God are contagious. He has ministered as a worship leader at the first outdoor Jesus Festivals numbering more than 50,000 in the mid-seventies. His present ministry involves speaking in churches, conferences, colleges, and gatherings for leaders and intercessors around the world. His wisdom, maturity, and genuine spiritual concern for others have caused many to regard him as a “spiritual father” in the Lord. His insightful teaching has inspired and blessed believers and leaders in many nations.

Dr. Fife inaugurated “The Secret Place Encounter, a different kind of conference,” with a specific focus on intimacy with God. These powerful gatherings are characterized by personal, life-changing God encounters. You can sponsor one of these conferences in your area.

“Doctor D,” as he is affectionately called, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pittsburgh and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He completed seminary studies at Boston University School of Theology and continued his graduate studies at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. The Doctor of Divinity degree was conferred upon him by New Life College in Bangalore, India.

The author’s best-selling books, The Secret Place: Passionately Pursuing God’s Presence, The Hidden Kingdom: Journey into the Heart of God, Spirit Wind: the Ultimate Adventure, The Light Giver: Discovering God’s Uncommon Wisdom, and The Imagination Master: Unleashing Your Creativity, have blessed and encouraged thousands of people around the world to seek a closer walk with Jesus. This new book, Pneumanaut: Exploring the Heavens: The Journey of the King’s Scribe, is the capstone of a four-part series titled, The Golden Scrolls from the Well of His Presence. This series is packed with prophetic revelation and amazing insight into the Scriptures.

He and his wife Eunice were married in 1963 and have two sons, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. They live in Florida, and when they are not traveling in ministry or writing, they enjoy being with family, loving on their grandchildren, and boating on the beautiful Gulf Coast waters. The Fifes continue to travel throughout the world, proclaiming the good news of God’s Kingdom and encouraging the Body of Christ to passionately pursue God’s presence.

Dr. Fife is available for speaking engagements upon request. For information regarding consulting, or becoming a part of Mountain Top Global Ministries, or to order available resources online, or to check out Dr. Fife’s itinerary, or to schedule Dr. Fife for ministry at your church or event, log on to drdaleafife.com.

Tune in to his YouTube Channel (drdaleafife).