20 (seeming) Biblical Contradictions Explained

  • Why does the Bible say “the Lord our God is one,” and yet we speak of Him as a Trinity?

  • How can Jesus be both God and man at the same time?

  • Why were women ordered to be silent in the church and yet the New Testament records several female leaders in the early church?

  • If Jesus came to die for our sins, why did He ask God to “let this cup pass from me” at Gethsemane?

Does the Bible Really Say That?

explains these and many more seeming contradiction in the Bible.

There are many things I cannot figure out, many things I will never be able to figure out. Jesus and I have an appointment on a park bench in heaven not too many years from now, and He is going to explain all these things to me. But because I cant figure it all out right now, it does not affect my love for Him in the slightest. It does not mean that I will stop trying to figure things out, and I believe I have figured out many, which I will share with you in this book.

Chaim Bentorah

20 (seeming) Biblical Contradictions Explained

  • If Women Are to be Silent in the Church why does Galatians say  “There is neither male nor female: all one in Christ Jesus.”
  • Job tells us that God’s eyes are upon the ways of man, and he sees all his goings but Genesis says that God called out to Adam, Where are you?”
  • If only our souls pass from this life in death and not our bodies then how do sinners burn in Hell?
  • The Bible says, “spare the rod and spoil the child.” But Jesus says, “Love your enemies. If we’re to love our enemies, why would be advised to beat our children with a rod?
  • Proverbs 15:1 says a soft answer turns away wrath. In the real world, talking quietly or being nice to someone who is enraged does not always work.
  • Jesus said that  “If any man hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters he cannot be my disciple.” But John said, “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer and the sixth Commandment says that we are to honor our parents.
  • If faith expresses absolute confidence, then how can hope, which is a desire for something to happen but may not happen, be used to define faith?
  • God tells Moses that He did not make Himself known to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as YHVH. Yet, the name YHVH is found no less that 165 times in Genesis.
  • If God is a good God who hates evil why would He send an evil spirit to afflict King Saul?
  • After we die, our spirit leaves the physical body behind; why would we need mansions in heaven?
  • Jesus came to this earth to die for our sins. Yet, when the time came to face his death for our sakes he asked to avoid it.
  • Genesis 32:24 says,  “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.” If he was he alone who did he wrestle with?
  • In Genesis 6:6 we learn that God repented that he made man and then in Numbers we learn that God does not repent.
  • Psalms 103:8 says: “The LORD [is] merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” But in Exodus 32 Moses had to talk God out of killing the entire nation of Israel.
  • Jeremiah 32:17 says there is nothing too hard for God. If everything is possible with God, can He make a rock bigger than He can lift?
  • Jewish law said to pay a tithe to God and not man, but Jesus said to render unto Caesar what was his.
  • I John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out all fear. Yet, throughout the Bible, we are told to fear God. If perfect love cast out all fear then why must we be afraid of God?
  • If God will always forgive our sins, can we just keep sinning all we want? We will all be saved in the end because he always forgives.
  • Jesus cried out, “My God my God, why have You forsaken me?” If Jesus is God incarnate how can He forsake Himself.
  • Psalms 90:7 says, “For we are consumed by thine anger, by thy rage we are consumed.” If God is filled with wrath and rage, that is contradictory to His perfect love.

About the author

Chaim Bentorah” is the pseudonym of a Gentile Christian who taught college-level Biblical Hebrew and is an Amazon Bestselling Author. He prepared his students to take the placement exams for graduate school.  He has developed a  method of study where he can prepare any believer, regardless of age or academic background, to study the Word of God using Biblical Hebrew. Chaim Bentorah received his B.A. degree from Moody Bible Institute in Jewish Studies and his M.A. degree from Denver Seminary in Old Testament and Hebrew and his Ph.D. in Biblical Archeology. His Doctoral Dissertation was on the “Esoteric Structure of the Hebrew Alphabet.” He has taught Classical Hebrew at World Harvest Bible College for thirteen years and also taught Hebrew for three years as a language course for Christian Center High School. Chaim sends out a Hebrew word study to thousands of subscribers each day and hosts the in-depth biblical Hebrew learning channel at https://www.hebrewwordstudy.com/.

Chaim Bentorah

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20 (seeming) Biblical Contradictions Explained

Chaim Bentorah

What seem to be contradictions in the Bible are simply failures to communicate with Him. We fail to properly translate His Word and to put it into its proper context—historically, textually and emotionally. We need to understand the emotions behind the words of God in Scripture, the nuances of His words and to establish an accurate worldview of God. Is He an angry God or a broken-hearted God? Is He a demanding, nagging God or a God who just wants to be loved and show His love?

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