Your Relationship
Dynamics of a Successful Book Lesson 10Your second book is easier than the first because now there is a relationship between you and your reader. How are you nurturing that relationship?
Steve Spillman, Founder, True Potential
“A true fan is defined as a fan that will buy anything you produce. These diehard fans will … buy the hardback and paperback and audible versions of your book…. “
Lesson 10:
Three questions about your relationship:
Question1: How do I interact with my reader?
Like any other relationship, you’ve got to schedule regular interaction with your reader. You may have dinnertime scheduled as family time when your focus is on your spouse and children. You may have a date night scheduled each week with your significant other. In the same way, schedule a time each day or each week to focus on your relationship with your reader. It may be twenty minutes each day to post or respond to comments on Social Media or replying to reader emails. It may be a few hours each week to create a blog post, video, email, or even a podcast episode (podcast is becoming the new blog) for your reader.
The important thing is to be consistent. Whether you plan to schedule content once a day or once a week, create a schedule you can keep up with and then commit to it. If you want to build a fan base, I recommend a minimum of once a day for Social Media Posts and once a week for longer content. Always respond to reader emails and comments the same day if you can.
Question 2: How do I know what my reader wants?
Listen to what your reader is saying, even if it’s between the lines. If your reader has a question about something you wrote on page 189, check page 189 to see if you were clear about the idea you want to express. If you need to clarify a point, do it. Then respond to your reader with the clarification. If another reader asks the same question it may be a signal that you may want to go into more depth in a blog post, video, email, or podcast. It may even be an idea for a future book!
Pay attention to Amazon reviews if you have any. Read the five-star reviews and the one-star reviews. Do any of the less than five-stars have a legitimate reason for the rating? Learn from them and improve what needs improving.
Question 3: How do I turn my reader into a fan?
Respond to any reader who contacts you on Social Media or in the comments section of your website. If she says she loved your book, thank her and ask which part of the book connected with her the most, or which was her favorite. Take the opportunity to ask her if you could use her positive comment as a reader review.
If a reader has a question, go beyond answering the question and engage her with a follow-up question. For example, if she asks about a specific story or chapter in your book, at the end of your answer, invite her to read a related blog post or view a related video. Always invite any reader who contacts you to “Like” or subscribe to your Social Meda feeds.
If you receive a negative comment from a reader, you may want to clarify your position regarding whatever generated her negative message, thank her for her comment, and wish her well. Don’t get involved with drawn-out arguments over your belief vs. your reader’s complaint; it’s almost always a waste of time. Do not respond to Trolls. If your reader has a legitimate argument or complaint, respond with grace. If they haven’t read your book, but still want to relegate you to hell because of something they think you may believe, just don’t respond. They are not your fan and never will be. Trolls move on when they’re not fed.
- Review the Social Media platforms to which you are subscribed. If you’re only subscribed to Facebook, consider adding Twitter or Instagram. I’m not endorsing any of these platforms, but if you want to share your message with the world, you need to access the world’s biggest stages.
- Create a schedule for providing regular Social Media posts for your reader. Daily is good for Social Media.
- Create longer-form content for your reader via a blog, video, or podcast. Weekly, if you can do it, is good for longer-form media.
- Check your email, Social Media accounts, and website daily for messages or comments from readers.
- If your book is on Amazon (it had better be), check for reader reviews once a month.
Hey! Do you have a question for me about this lesson? I’d love to give you an answer! Just scroll down to the comment section below and ask away.
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Your Conversation
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