Our most popular Questions along with the long awaited answers.

What font size is the One New Man Bible?

The font size is 11 point Times New Roman.

Is there a large print version for the One New Man Bible?

No, there is nothing in the works for large print at this time.

Is there a paperback and hardback version of the Bible?

We currently offer synthetic leather cover and hard-cover editions.

What is the One New Man Bible made of?

It is made of synthetic leather (polyurethane). It is not bonded. It is maroon colored with gold foil embossed lettering. It is guilded edged with gold. They are all individually shrink wrapped.

How many pages are in the One New Man Bible?


Do we offer any discounts on the One New Man Bible?

Yes!  Please check the product page for discounted pricng.

Do we wholesale?

Yes, We offer a 50% discount on the One New Man Bible when purchased in quantities of (8) copies or more. Just enter the amount of copies you wish in the shopping cart. Your discount will be taken automatically at checkout.

Is the Power New Testament within the One New Man Bible?

Yes. The New Testament is within the One New Man Bible and is an updated version of the Power New Testament. The only other difference is that in the Power New Testament the names are in English and in the One New Man Bible the names are in Hebrew.

What is included in the One New Man Bible?

It consists of the Old and New Testament as well as weekly Torah readings. It also lists the Prophets and Writings. The names are in Hebrew. There are also references at the bottom of the pages. It includes a chart with the English and Hebrew names. There is also a bookmark ribbon.

When do you charge my card?

Your card is charged when your purchase transaction is approved.

If you have an additional question that you cannot find here, please fill out the form on the Contact Us page.


  1. I’m finding the One New Man Bible “out of stock”. It is the 2011 version I believe. I cannot find a 2020 version. Can you tell me where to get the 2020 version. Nearly $200 for the original imitation leather version on Amazon and Alibris.

  2. When do you plan to have the One New Man Bible back in stock?

    • We hope to have the One New Man Bible in stock again later this year.
      Thanks for your comment

  3. What are the updates in the 2020 edition of the One New Man Bible compared to the 2011 version? Are they quite significant so that the 2011 is inaccurate? Thank you!

    • Hi James,
      All updates since the original 2011 printing have been minor spelling or footnotes corrections. Nothing in the substance of the Bible has been edited.
      Thanks and Blessings,

  4. I hope to get my husband a clpy of the “One New Man Bible” for Christmas. However, he is concerned about the weight of the paper: is it similar to typical Bible pages that feel like tissue paper or similar to the paper in most hardbound books? He has big hands and the thinner papers sometimes tear when he turns pages.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Sarah,
      The pages of the One New Man Bible are made from a special “Bible paper.” It is thin but stands up well. Since Bibles have many, many pages (the One New Man Bible has 1836 pages)they can’t be printed on the same kind of paper that a normal hardcover book would be. If the One New Man Bible was printed on normal book paper it would be more than four inches thick; too big to handle. Two years ago we increased the weight of our paper, which makes the pages more durable.
      Thanks and Blessings,

  5. Is Time Loop available in ebook format?

  6. Do you have an ebook bundle for the Learning God’s Love Language Hebrew words?

  7. With so many people needing larger print for vision issues, why isn’t there an option to help this sector of people?

    • Hi Amber, our e-versions have the ability to magnify the type, and we’ve been working with a contact in helping the blind and sight impaired to be able to convert the e-versions into Braille friendly machines.
      A printed large print edition is a bit more problematic as we would need to re-typeset the Bible for large print and make a separate print run for that edition.
      This could be an option as the Bible grows in popularity and requests for large print grow.
      Keep praying!
      Thanks and Blessings,

  8. How long does it take for the Bible to come back in inventory?

    • Hi Alexis,
      Thanks for your note. We hope to have Bibles in December.

  9. Can I read your ebook The One New man Bible on my Kindle?

    • Joseph,
      You can read the One New Man Bible pdf version on any mobile device that has a pdf reader app. For reading on your Kindle, I’d recommend purchasing the Kindle version on Amaozn.

  10. 1. Does One New Man Bible include both the old and new Testament? Or only the New Nestament ?
    2. I live in Taiwan ? Do you ship goods to Taiwan ?

    Thanks for your response.

    • Thank you for your comment!
      The One New Man Bible does include both the Old and New Testaments.
      We do not currently ship to Taiwan.

  11. I have been trying to download the digital version of The One Man Bible to my iPad and it is not working. Either the server times out or when it did download it didn’t show up on my device. Now I’m out of downloads. How do I get this on my iPad?

    • Hi Kay,
      It is a very large file. It would be best if you were connected to wifi when downloading. Alternately you can download it to a computer then transfer the file to your iPad.
      I’m going to send you the .pdf link and the epub (Apple) link so you have a choice of which to put on your iPad.
      Thanks and Blessings,

  12. Hello. I received an email letting me know about the book How the church lost the way. A group of us are going to read it together and discuss it. I am trying to purchase 4-5 copies. The email offered 20% discount if I typed in WAY as the coupon code. I have not been able to get the discount to work since I got the email. Is there a secret? Thanks.

    • Hello Wren,

      I just tried it with only capitalizing the ‘W’ in way. Try that and if it still doesn’t work let us know. Thank you!

      True Potential

  13. Can you please ship to Australia. ?

    • Hi Brian,
      Thanks for asking! We do ship to Australia, just enter your address at checkout.


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