Larry Finch

God is For Us: Learn how to listen for His Voice!

Do you think that God would make you sick? Do you think that God would take your finances? Do you think that God doesn’t love you? If this is so, then you are hearing satan, not God—not even the Word of God.

The way to change these beliefs is to draw near to God. There is safety when you are near to God. First, the dark can’t approach the light. satan and his minions can’t approach God. Jesus took care of that. God didn’t send His Son to die for you, so He could condemn you. He wants you to know that He LOVES you. With a love better and bigger than you can ever imagine. There is one thing for sure: if God is against you, then you are on the wrong path.

But if satan is against you, then you are on the right path. Use this alone to discern where the pain comes from. But let God show Himself first. God asks us to remove the plank from our eye first. You can do this by building a relationship with Him. You can express yourself to Him even if you don’t have a clue about Him. God is always listening. Then be alert. He always answers. God is on our side. God is for Us. Live and learn.

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You Can Know God: Driven by the Freedom Given

If you want to walk with Christ and see the signs and wonders for yourself, this book should help you get there. Many books tell you why, when, where, but this one tells you how. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, if we hear his voice over the others we will be led to better pastures. Like Samuel, we need an Eli to tell us that it is God speaking. This book will help you to hear God better. The goal of this book is to get you to where you can discern what you hear and to hear God better. We are not fighting against flesh and blood. The words of this book will help you to win spiritual battles. These victories will encourage you to a closer relationship with God. Throughout the Bible the ones that heard God made history. The Cross has opened a door so that we can approach God for ourselves. Use this gift to be the church. It does work. We can move mountains, spiritual mountains. GOD IS ON OUR SIDE!

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About the Author

I am not different from most Christians. I was saved at twelve years old, but I didnt have the support I needed, so I fell away from church. But God never left me. When I would focus, God would encourage me to return to him, telling me This is not what I have for you. I finally at twenty years old started realizing that this could be God talking to me. Then one day in church, God called me to pray for my pastor, which I couldnt do. But God used that moment to change me forever.

He showed me that when he speaks, satan will create confusion to stop us from moving in obedience at Gods word. That day he revealed to me that it was God who was talking to me. Foremost, he showed that it was satan that stopped me. Secondary was my lack of knowledge. This wasnt as easy to accept as the fact that satan is my enemy. You know how we are about such as that. What a life changer it was. God speaks to us all, and this book will help you figure it out. God is on our side. This doesnt mean that we arent at war. God has proved to me that the war is raging. I am just another man who met the Savior, just as Paul did. It was the Savior who got through the noise of the battle to save me. Now I want to share what I know with the world.

We are living in a lack of knowledge. God wants to change this. When

we listen to his voice above all the others, we can learn the truth, the truth that sets us free. This is me. I have been set free, and it is so good I want to share it with you. You can join me here if you will set your mind on things above.

Every Christian has an enemy, the same enemy that thought he defeat- ed Christ by way of the Cross. He actually defeated himself. But we all have the same enemy. If you dont get hold of this, you will be defeated on this side of heaven. The only thing special about me is my God. He has never left nor forsaken me even though I left him. God is that faithful. Way more than I deserve he has loved me. He loves you too. Build a relationship with him based on his righteousness, not yours. He loves you. If I can get it, surely you can too.