Marlene Garcia

Freedom from FearFreedom From Fear

I lived thinking that I was serving God. I had a sincere desire to know more of God, and I was committed to studying the Scriptures. Then came a trial in my life, when I found myself completely empty. The Word I meditated and on which I thought was accomplishing something had no true effect on my life. I got to the place of desperation, and it was in my frustration that God became very real in my life. It was there that He gave me the tools to confront what I did not know, because I was perishing for lack of knowledge.

About the author

Marlene GarciaMarlene Gracia was born in Medellin, Colombia raised in the suburbs of San Francisco, California. She is a registered nurse and graduated from Walla Walla University with a Bachelor of Science in nursing and practiced for over 25 years. Today is dedicated to restoring and equipping women on how to maintain good physical health along with emotional stability according to biblical principles.


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