Game Changer: A Playbook for Winning at Life
“Our journeys are all the same.From the moment we are born we take our first breath until the final moment in this world when we exhale our last breath, we are the same.”
An inspirational book for coaches.
Foreword by Mel Blount
I am a vessel. God sent one perfect man to teach us how to live and love each other, and we still aren’t doing it. One day God let me know He could use me to talk to people about His Book, not mine, and that’s what I want to do. I am just an ordinary man that has opportunities every day to tell people about Jesus Christ. One life, God uses every day to read His word and to share His word. I am telling my story, not because I have had a remarkable and amazing life, but because God is using me to share the remarkable and amazing things He has done for us. The journey that has led me here has been God’s plan, not mine. Maybe God’s plan will change your life or help you change the lives of others.
By sharing with people how He is doing the very same in your life right now, maybe, it will change you the way it has changed me. Use me, use my words to help the people you will encounter to have a heart for the Lord. God wants them to win for eternity. Use one chapter, one verse, one experience from my life, or from some of the beautiful people I will share with you, to share with others. God changes everything in a life. Winning is EVERYTHING, as long as we are in the right game.
About the author

Norris Blount
After a successful college football career and a short stint with the NFL, Norris Blount had a life-changing experience with the Lord Jesus Christ. He realized that he was not sold out for Christ and recommitted his life to the Lord. Two years later the Lord spoke to Norris, calling him into youth ministry. He served 16 years in various ministry and pastoral roles, culminating in a role with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and serving as Assistant Director of Sports Ministries at Baylor University.
Norris holds a B.A. in Communications from Baylor University and a Masters of Biblical Studies from Covington Theological Seminary.
Norris has built an impressive business resume with over 20 years in sales and marketing. After an accomplished career with DuPont, Norris turned his attention to staffing.
As a business unit manager for Fortune 500 companies and then as an area manager in the staffing industry, Norris learned how to balance and thrive in operations and sales.
His experience as an autonomous manager, vast business connections and drive led him to found Excelsior Staffing in 2007 where he serves today as the company president.
Norris and Denitia Blount have four children, Natasha, Tyler, Hannah and Levi.