All Things New

(12 customer reviews)


The true love we desperately search for all of our lives is not found in a man or woman it can only be fulfilled by the one who created the void in our hearts in the first place. The void that we feel was designed to draw us closer to God.


  • Author: Debora Barr
  • Pages: 172
  • Trim Size: 8.8 x 5.7 x 0.5 inches
  • Binding: Perfect Paperback
  • ISBN: 978-1-935769-32-3

A Former Lesbian’s Lifelong Search For Love

For Men and women who Experience Same-Sex Attraction

The true love we desperately search for all of our lives is not found in a man or woman it can only be fulfilled by the one who created the void in our hearts in the first place. The void that we feel was designed to draw us closer to God. Jesus Christ satisfies the hunger in our hearts for pure love. After that void is filled, we can then love men and women with the love of Christ. The pages of this book chronicle the experiences of a woman who walked this journey and shares with you her struggles with complete transparency to encourage you to find true love.

For Ministry Leaders Who Want to Do the Right Thing

How should you respond to a person who walks through the doors of your church or your ministry, who is outwardly living his or her life contrary to your convictions and beliefs? This book will shock you and open your eyes to a better way to respond that will ultimately bring healing for them and encouragement for you.

For People with Loved Ones Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction

Unconditional love is the right way to respond to a family member or friend who is experiencing same-sex attraction. Judgment and condemnation provide no place for healing, but unconditional love is a soothing balm that heals. This book will show you a better way to love your loved ones who experience homosexuality.

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Additional information

Weight 0.85 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.7 × 0.5 in

12 reviews for All Things New

  1. Dr. Lady D.

    Through the testimony of this book, God opened the eyes of my heart to more effective ministry for those who are bound and have been hurting. I have an even greater thirst for the depth and the love God.

  2. Customer

    Though I do not condone this lifestyle, I came away with a much better understanding of how to be a genuine friend to someone in this lifestyle (representing the love that Jesus has for all), and without compromising my own viewpoint. What surprised me was though the book’s primary focus was on how the author moved in, through, and out of a homosexual lifestyle – yet I could relate her challenge with any other challenge. There’s a lot of pain and Godly support in this book, and definitely anyone in this lifestyle will see that you don’t have to stay in it – GOD can turn your life around. GREAT book, a “keeper.”

  3. Customer

    I prayed that God use her across the nation to help women and men to birth their destiny no matter where you been is not where you going.

  4. Thelma L.

    This book: “All Things New” is the transformational journey of a woman betrayed by someone very close to her. Through her journaling you can learn to believe, accept and trust in Jesus Christ, the Savior. Each chapter has riveting moments from her journal entries that compell you to keep reading. It can be used as a wonderful teaching guide for the Body of Christ to learn and understand how to wrap your arms around someone who experiences same sex attraction and desires only the true unconditional love of Christ. Debora’s story is yet another confirmation of the awesome presence and power of God in one’s life. He waits patiently until we get it! Her incredible life journey has birthed a powerful ministry for such a time as this. Expect to hear more from this author. There has to be a sequel because I believe God is not through with her yet!

  5. K.R.

    When I got this book, I thought well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to read it because I may come in contact with someone with same sex attraction that I could help. Little did I know that this book would have left such a huge impression on me. When I read the book, it’s almost like a new version of the Psalms as Debora continuously seek God for her life while always giving God the glory in everything, big or small. Debora’s transparency, choice of words and writing style brings Godly concepts to life so brilliantly.

    This book will touch you whether or not you are dealing with same sex attraction. This is because the essence of the book is to show us:
    1) an example of what “all things new” really looks like
    2) the overwhelming benefits of dying to ourselves, shedding what’s not acceptable to God and obediently following him.
    3) the privilege of God’s love.
    4) how susceptible one can be to same sex attraction without knowing it.
    5) how to have greater understanding and compassion toward someone dealing with same sex attraction. This understanding led me to realize that being gay is no different than fornication or adultery, it’s sexual immorality. When I was overcoming a life of fornication, many of the struggles, emotions and feelings were very similar to Debora’s

    Thank you Debora for your courage and ministering to us through your life! Well done!!!

  6. Evangelist Mamie Lanford Singleton

    My name is Evangelist Mamie Lanford Singleton, I am a licensed Evangelist Missionary with the Church of God In Christ. I have read Sister Debora Barr’s Book, I have purchased thirty copies thus far to share with my family, friends, neighbors, and leaders within the United States. This book is of Sister Debora’s Testimony of “Her Sin; Struggles; and Search of True Love.” This testimony of God’s Servant is very powerful and it ministers to every sinner; especially to a sinner who choose to be “born again” and is seeking to find Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter what a person sin is. Lesbianism was this author’s demon and testimony however this book is about any sin. It is about guidance given by false teachers, the search for true love, and so much more. All Things New gives clear illustrations on how to apply the Holy Scriptures to your life and to be led by the Holy Ghost. It give testimony on how leaders in the position of authority should be led of the Holy Ghost while counseling sinners. The transparency of the authors testimony clearly demonstrate her complete sell out to sin to find “True Love” which is in Christ Jesus. It compel “Lost Souls” to come to Jesus! While reading Sister Debora’s Testimony in this book; I had no doubt that she was inspired and guided by the Holy Ghost in this writing. I challenge everyone to read this book; especially those who are in the position of authority. Too many people are playing church, there’s a sin sick world and one need to know only the anointing break yokes and strong holds. I Thank God for Sister Debora who has found true love and for sharing her testimony to compel others to come to Christ. All the Honor, Glory, and Praises. They belong to God! I challenge all to be blessed; buy this book; and to use it in their ministry. Only God can fix our situations.

  7. S. Goldberg

    The author recounts the details of her life from childhood, all in a journal like form. Her story is inspirational and brutally honest. Everyone has their own story to tell, and Debra’s has been one long journey, indeed. Read it and be renewed.

  8. Frankie

    “All Things New” is an incredible display of how much God loves us all. Debora Barr’s willingness to be open and transparent as she shares the ups and downs of her life journey is powerful and encouraging. In spite of the many challenges she’s faced, her love and adoration for God shine through in this book. You can’t read this without being compelled to celebrate all that God has done in her life.

  9. Craig

    The book is written in journal format and is amazingly candid. Ms. Barr’s story as to how she got involved in the lesbian life-style confirmed much of what I always believed regarding the root causes of same-sex attraction and the way out…Absolutely amazing book! Must read for anybody open to the truth regarding homosexuality.

  10. J.B.K.

    This book is truly good news; full of hope and encouragement-regardless of your personally struggle. I was reminded to take all my concerns to a Loving God. It was great to read the author’s prayers and than read how God answered them.

  11. Allison Johnson

    All Things New: A Former Lesbian’s Lifelong Search for Love is an insightful and amazing story of God’s love, redemption and forgiveness. The author had me cheering at every twist and turn of her journey. She does not condemn others in her story. She compassionately demonstrates the courage it takes to be true to who you really are when new information is presented lovingly and without bias. I strongly recommend this book to others who want to know the challenges and struggles encountered when leaving the gay lifestyle. Who want to know is there hope for them? This is a must read for others who want to know how God can and will redeem and set us free from any bondage.

  12. D.H.C.Y.

    Although this book deals specifically with sexual sin, it contains biblical truths that can be used to deal with any sin that keeps one locked in its grip.

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