Aramaic Word Study

(9 customer reviews)


Exploring the Language of the New Testament

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Jesus and the Apostles spoke Aramaic, the native language of Israel and surrounding territories at the time. Jesus and the Apostles, as religious Jews, also knew Hebrew because the Torah was written and read in Hebrew, but their everyday language was Aramaic.

Here’s the question: If Jesus and the Apostles all spoke, preached, and ministered in Aramaic, why don’t we study their words in the Aramaic?

Many mainstream Bible scholars believe that the New Testament was first written in Greek and not Aramaic. But other scholars believe that much of the New Testament was first written down in Aramaic or at least dictated in Aramaic and then translated into the Greek written word.

No original New Testament documents exist as far as we know. They were all destroyed, lost, or forever secreted away. There’s no way of proving that the New Testament we know today was first written in Aramaic or Greek.

But we do know one thing as a fact; Jesus and the Apostles spoke Aramaic as their everyday language. The Sermon On the Mount was spoken in Aramaic to the crowd on the shores of Galilee. Every parable Jesus shared with the crowds and with His Disciples was spoken in Aramaic. When Jesus sat with His disciples on the Mount of Olives and told them what would happen at the end of this age, He spoke to them in Aramaic.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, John, Peter, and the other disciples spoke Aramaic; even Paul spoke Aramaic.

If Christians believe that every word written in the Bible is sacred, even though the Bible we read today is a copy of a copy, and a a translation of a translation, shouldn’t we also at least consider that the actual words Jesus spoke, in the language He spoke them, are similarly inspired, and worth exploring?

Join ancient languages scholar Chaim Bentorah as he guides in exploring the language of the New Testament.

A note from Chaim Bentorah:

It is important that the reader understands some very real problems with attempting to translate the New Testament from the Aramaic. First, most biblical scholars do believe that the language Jesus and his disciples as well as the Apostle Paul spoke was an Old Galilean Aramaic or Jewish Palestinian Aramaic which is a dialect of the Western Aramaic also known as a Northern dialect. There are many modern Eastern Neo-Aramaic dialects but no known Western dialect exists today. It is believed to be a dead language although in recent years three villages in Syria still speak a dialect known as the Ma’lula dialect, which is believed to be a descendent of the Western dialect and possibly closely related to the Old Galilean. As this dialect is studied, grammars have been written and discarded. There is just no real certainty other than a few grammatical points as to whether we have a comprehensive knowledge of the language that Jesus spoke.

The point being that we have no real documents of the original Old Galilean dialect that Jesus spoke. The belief that the Christian New Testament was originally written in Aramaic is only a theory. It is believed that when it was written a scribe would have translated the words of Jesus and the disciples directly into Greek. However, there is the belief that these words were written as Jesus and the disciples dictated them in the Old Galilean Aramaic which worked its way into the Syriac language, a close cousin of the Northern Dialect that became what is known today as the Peshitta New Testament.

Thus, I reach a conclusion by using the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic to develop a theory. To be sure I am not saying that my conclusions are to be taken as dogma and all other sources are wrong. I am only offering to my reader an opportunity to expand their thoughts and maybe reach a deeper understanding of a particular word used in our English Bible. To build in you the same desire that this dusty old biblical languages teacher has of reaching a deeper understanding of God’s Word, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I do admit to being speculative in many of my conclusions and ask the reader to keep this mind as they read this book. However, my speculations are based upon my biased personal experience with a God that I believe with all my heart loves me and that I love in return and hold dear as life itself.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in

9 reviews for Aramaic Word Study

  1. Cheryl Payne (verified owner)

    I have been a bible study student and teacher for over 30 years and I have finally found someone who genuinely searches the word, without agenda and pretty straightforwardly. I have been reading books and attending classes by Chaim for a little over 2 years now and am never disappointed with the information he presents that enlightens not only my study but my relationship with the Father. His new book, Aramaic Word Study is a perfect addition to his devotional, Treasures of the Deep. It is short, but thorough and I often find myself saying, “Perfect timing” when a word hits particularly in my daily life. You could spend so much more money and time searching out the info Chaim provides in this exploration of 75 passages. A perfect gift, too especially if you have someone in your life that truly desires to find out what Jesus is really saying and exploring the possibilities of what He might be saying to you. All his books are a wonderful impetus to jumpstarting your walk in Christ! So go boldly where few others may go and find more of Him thru the eyes of an author whom I believe is a transparent, sincere, and challenging lover of God!

  2. Kami (verified owner)

    I love this book. Chaim does an amazing job teaching the Aramaic language, bringing us closer to God through every page. Highly recommend this book to those who want to take their relationship with God to the next level.

  3. Debbie (verified owner)

    Excellent book to add to your study collection. Chaim does a great job of describing the meaning of the words. Great breakdown of the words and their history. Highly recommend!

  4. Marie Fidgeon (verified owner)

    Aramaic Word Study -Exploring the Language of the New Testament opens up a whole new way of understanding key passages from the New Testament. Jesus spoke Aramaic. Using his knowledge of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic, Chaim Bentorah offers us a deeper understanding of words and phrases used in our English Bibles. His expertise and knowledge of these languages gives us the deeper meaning of phrases such as: “ My God, my God, why have you forsaken me “ in Old Galilean Aramaic this phrase means “ Listen to my heart, this is my destiny. This is why I came to earth in human form and that is to die to give you eternal life”
    I really liked finding out that the New Testament is filled with many Aramaic idioms and how his humour made me chuckle as he explained some of them and the confusion caused when people take the English translations literally.
    The book has seventy five amazing Word Studies from the New Testament and is a very welcome companion to his Hebrew Word Study Books and Treasures of the Deep which are equally enlightening on the Old Testament and the richness of the Hebrew in which they were written, which is often lost in translation.

  5. Johnny Staph (verified owner)

    From the moment I discovered Chaim’s site and inspirational teachings including this marvelous book, all of it has fascinated my heart with revealing the true nature of God’s loving heart for us!.. His deep dive of the Hebrew and Aramaic language and culture is truly remarkable, the way Chaim explains Jesus’ words in Aramaic make all the difference in understanding the heart of the Father.

  6. Rose (verified owner)

    I loved this book, it was so exciting to read!! Recommend recommend recommend

  7. Dorothy Williams (verified owner)

    I would recommend this book to anyone whose heart desire to know Jesus by exploring the Language of the New Testament. Personally speaking I’m truly blessed by this Exploration. A gift from God.

  8. Jane Sesser (verified owner)

    I was so excited to see this book and could wait until it arrived. I could not wait to dive into it. So, far it is so rich, so full of information that helps a follower of Jesus understand the New Testament better.

  9. Wayne Zimmermann (verified owner)

    One of the most inspiring books I have read to date! Having the ability to study the Aramaic words of the New Testament makes the ministry of Jesus and the apostles come to life. Chaim is a very gifted teacher/writer and seeks to enter into the desire’s and heart of God. You will experience this also as you read this book!

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