embracing now ebook


100 poems by popular poet Chris Maxwell, celebrating embracing the moment in pain, joy, healing, and living.

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embracing nowembracing now

this now, only here for a moment,
is brief.
i hope to notice it.
this now is like a tiny poem,
the pace, the chances,
the moods, the mystery,
the turns, the endings.
though brief,
each now can, if we choose to notice,
remind us more about ourselves:
pain we feel,
hurts being held,
more pain we hide,
more hurt needing healing.
for me, writing poetry
is prayerful therapy
for more than survival.
it opens my eyes and ears
to see and hear
this now, which, though brief,
is bringing me an opportunity
to love again, to live again,
and to breathe, slowly,
with curiosity and nerve and hesitation,
cherishing the wonder nearby.
i ask you to join me.
together, in this poetic stride called life,
let us embrace the now,
this very brief, very real,
very brilliant now.


“There are some truths only poetry can teach, some places within us that only poetry can reach. Chris Maxwell has taken such pains with this excellent poetry that it can reach into the places of our own pain and dislocation and offer healing words and liberating truth. Seamus Heaney once said that the best poetry offers us “phrases that feed the soul”: this collection is full of excellent ‘soul food.’” —Malcolm Guite Priest, Poet “Chris Maxwell is the only person in my book who pens poetry I want to sip, slurp, and guzzle; then pour another glass by turning to the next page!” —Michele Pillar GRAMMY-nominated singer, speaker, and author of the book, Untangled, The Truth Will Set You Free “With this second volume of poetry, Chris Maxwell has found a new rhythm. The words flow more confidently, more boldly, while the voice is less restrained, less tentative. Chris has gained greater fluency in poetic language, and it now seems like his native tongue. Emotions, ideas, experiences, encounters, seasons, scenes – he captures their essence and distills them into concentrated poetic form. Another beautiful book.” —Russell Board Regional Director for Continental Asia IPHC World Missions Ministries

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