Glimpses Into The Spirit Realm


Moving From the Physical World into the Eternal

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Eternal Life is not physical, as some may think. Living in the Spirit Realm will be very different from life on Earth, for instance the food in ETERNAL LIFE is Spiritual! For the Kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Roman 14:17)

The First Man was made in the flesh, physical. Y’shua was made both Physical and Spiritual. We are made in His image. We are to become more and more like Him, the One Who now lives in the Spirit.

The Spirit Realm is three-dimensional, so all the Angels and God Himself are three-dimensional, as are the Third Temple and New Jerusalem!

This book details much of the interaction of our Physical Realm with the Spirit Realm, with the Spiritual coming to interact with us, often with a prophet, but also often with just an average human being. Sometimes the LORD Himself intervenes. We think of the Physical world as the Real world, but the Spirit world is every bit as Real as the Physical. We have to Trust to understand the Spiritual.

Hebrews 11:1. And Trust is being confident of things hoped for, proof of things not seen.


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