Jesus On Monday Morning Volume 2


In volume 2, we will explore more of what Christ asks us to be and how He wants us to behave. But are we really listening to Him? There are five levels of listening and they apply to how well we listen to God.

SKU: 9781953247827 Category: Tag:


In volume 1 of Jesus on a Monday Morning, we explored the Beatitudes (the “Blessings”). We explored what our work looks like and how we might fit the emotional states and character traits of the Beatitudes (poor in spirit, mourning, merciful, etc.) at work. We pondered how much Christ understands our life at our jobs: the hassles, the headaches, the harangues, the hubris and the humiliations. Each lesson we invited Him to help us restore the workplace in the image of His kingdom where neighbors love neighbors and neighbors love enemies.

In volume 2, we will explore more of what Christ asks us to be and how He wants us to behave. But are we really listening to Him? There are five levels of listening and they apply to how well we listen to God.

When we think about transforming our work environment, we might think we need to do it alone. We might think we need to have a campaign of sorts. We might think we’re just one small “voice in the wilderness” and no one will listen. We might think we need more. I’m sure the Israelites did traveling through the wilderness to the Promised Land. But they had what they needed: gold (though squandered), manna, quail and water from a rock. The Lord didn’t provide horses and chariots. The first century church probably wished they had more than their original band of 70 to reach the ends of the earth. They had what they needed: the Spirit, community, people gifted in different aspects of outreach and community life. Paul probably bargained with God: “If you just remove this ‘thorn from my flesh’ I could reach more people and plant more churches for You, Lord.” And the Lord said, “No, My grace is sufficient for you.” The Lord didn’t remove Paul’s “thorn in his flesh” nor did He provide photocopiers and a telegraph system in that century. Often we overlook the blessings of the “talents” (assets) that God has provided.

Physical—health and possessions;

Intellectual—academic smarts, know-how, street smarts;

Relational/Network—people you know and the people they know;

Capital/Financial—money in the bank and money people are willing to invest or loan;

Foundation/Heritage—God has brought you and your family(ies) through mountaintop and valley experiences. These experiences can be built upon for the next chapter of your life;

Spiritual—the most and the most forgotten asset of all: God Himself, who is pulling for you to do the good works He has created for you to do. He’s waiting for you to ask, seek and knock.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 7.25 × 9.25 × 0.3 in


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