Leadership That Builds People Vol II


This book will provide the tools you need to grasp and implement Jesus’ approach to ministry.


Author: Dr. Jim Richards
Paperback, 6″ x 9″, 226 Pages

Leadership That Builds People forces us to ask one of the most important leadership questions, “Will I use my ministry to build people, or will I use people to build my ministry?” Although we may have never consciously asked, or answered this question, in our hearts, we certainly have! One of these objectives drives our entire leadership philosophy. In every dimension of leadership, we are either serving others or serving ourselves!

Success in ministry is not the growth of our ministry; it is the growth of the people we serve!

If we have genuinely determined to serve people, the Kingdom of God benefits, the follower benefits, and we benefit in ways many have never realized. There are some things we must know to take this approach to leadership:

  • What is the biblical priority as a leader?
  • Exactly what is it that I am attempting to accomplish?
  • What is it the people actually need?
  • How do I make that happen?

This book will answer these questions! But it all begins with the understanding that God is a heart God; all He desires to do in and through us starts with the beliefs of the heart!

Jesus personally developed eleven apostles who turned the world upside down! Why were those few men able to accomplish so much in so little time? The way Jesus ministered revealed loving behavior governed by the beliefs of the heart!

This book will provide the tools you need to grasp and implement Jesus’ approach to ministry.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 5 in


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