Memoir of an Angel


Joe’s Crisis at the Cross

SKU: 9781960024558 Categories: ,


Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Joe. You see, I am an angel.

Before me stands a line of humanity, all assembled and waiting their turn. The line is quite long, even by my standards. It stretches much farther than any human eye can see. To watch the line pass before me would take several millennia in human/earth time, but for me, it will be finished in seconds. You see, this event has been planned since the beginning of human existence. Each soul waits for their turn before a Great White Throne. On that throne is the One you humans refer to as “The King of Kings,” “The Lion of Judah,” “Emmanuel,” or “The Prince of Peace.” Some have the privilege of calling Him “Savior.” In this line, everyone bows and calls Him, Lord. You may know Him as Jesus, the Living Christ. For me and those like me, we call Him God.

I hear sad words from the Throne. When those tragic words are spoken, some cry, some get angry, while others remain in a state of blank shock. No matter the reaction all are humble, and all obey. After all, at this point, what choice do these mortal souls have? “Choice.” This word takes me back a bit—or forward—purely a matter of perspective, if you will.

Let’s begin our story in a garden called Gethsemane …

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 8 × 0.3 in


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