

Exploring the Heavens: The Journey of the King’s Scribe

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“Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

You’re holding in your hands a treasure chest, a road map, and a sacred invitation birthed out of countless hours of watching, listening and engaging in God’s presence. This book was birthed out of the very heart of God! Get ready to receive from the wealth of Dr. Dale Fife’s communion and unwavering ‘yes’ to Christ! Let this unstoppable pioneer of heavenly realms and the heart of Yahweh exhort you, inspire you, and lead you into all that God has prepared for those who love Him in this day. And may I suggest you put on a seat belt…you’re about to be propelled into heavenly orbits!

Jay Bennett
Youth With a Mission (YWAM) International Teacher and Intercessor
Founder of the Global Strategy Corps

Dr. Dale Fife’s Pneumanaut: Exploring the Heavens: The Journey of the King’s Scribe drew me on with anticipation much like an epic film. A progression of intensity and wonder escalates seamlessly from beginning to end, as though we’re ascending a spiral staircase from earth up to the River of Life. Each new experience is more intense, more astounding than the last, and preparatory for the next; I couldn’t have experienced the Conservatory without visiting the Library first. You have faithfully opened the royal scroll and let its contents spill out.  Please, God, help Your Church—help me!—to eat this scroll from Your hand and do as You have commanded in spite of the tangled underbrush of earth gripping our ankles! How foolish we are to stare at the dust under our feet when we have access to the immediate presence of every characteristic of our Father.

Michele Gunn
Fresh Oil Ministries International

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