
Presenting Jesus Bundle

(9 customer reviews)

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Presenting Jesus: The Son Of Israel, Volumes 1, 2, and 3

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Presenting Jesus, the Son of Israel – a Jewish Commentary on the Gospels reintroduces us to the Jesus, whose life’s mission was to bring light to those around him and to bring them closer to the almighty Creator of the Universe.

  • Presenting Jesus The Son of Israel Volume 1

    A Jewish Commentary on the Gospels Volume 1

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99. each
  • Presenting Jesus, the Son of Israel Volume II

    A Jewish Commentary on the Gospels—Volume II

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99. each
  • Presenting Jesus, the Son of Israel Volume III

    A Jewish Commentary on the Gospels—Volume III

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99. each
SKU: Presenting Jesus Bundle Categories: ,

It is inarguable that few names are as well known in the world as the name of Jesus, but who was he, really?

There are many worthy commentaries of the Gospels in existence, but most of them do not seek to present Jesus as he appeared on Earth—during his early life, in his culture, and among his own Jewish people.

What happened over the ages that caused the world to begin to see Jesus as a son of Greece instead of an observant Jew? What have we lost by seeing his life and work out of context?

Volume 1 of this commentary explores the conception, uncovers the true dialogue about the virgin birth and reveals the incredible unknown life of Jesus the child.

  • Who were these mysterious shepherds, and why were they unlike all the other shepherds? Were the Wise Men really Babylonian Sorcerers? How did they recognize the birth of the King of the Jews?
  • What is this undeniable connection Jesus has to the Feast of Tabernacles, and why are the Gospels so silent regarding his Jewish education?
  • We meet John the Baptist and discover how his message was skewed by early interpreters, and see how in some ways Jesus seems to relive the history of the Nation of Israel.

Volume II of this commentary explores the ministry miracles and teachings of Jesus.

  • Who were Jesus’ Disciples? How did he choose them? What were they expecting him to be?
  • Explore the depth of Jewish tradition and matrimony through the story of Jesus’ miracle at the wedding in Cana.
  • Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness. How was this temptation similar to the temptation in the Garden of Eden? What is Satan’s actual role on Earth?
  • What was the reason for money changers in the Temple? If theirs was an accepted practice, why did Jesus drive them out? Did the Pharisees and Sadducees agree with the practice of moneychanging and selling animals on Temple grounds, or were they happy to see Jesus purge them?

Volume III of this commentary explores the healing miracles of Jesus and the Sabbath.

Accounts of divine healing are recorded throughout the Bible, not only in New Testament times. It was not confined to first-century believers in Jesus. Divine healing is available for God’s people today. What can we learn and apply today from the events surrounding Jesus’ healing miracles?

In the beginning, God declared the Sabbath to be holy. God commanded his people to “Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Do those who claim to be His followers today, honor the Sabbath and keep it holy?

What did the prophets have to say about the Sabbath? What does the New Testament say about the Sabbath? In this context, we can better understand the relationship Bible believing Gentiles should have to the Sabbath.

Presenting Jesus, the Son of Israel – a Jewish Commentary on the Gospels answers all these questions and brings to light the beautiful intricacies of early Judaism and the effect they had on the life of Jesus, whose existence and purpose changed the world in a way in which no other has ever done since.

Additional information

Presenting Jesus The Son of Israel Volume 1

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.63 in

Presenting Jesus, the Son of Israel Volume II

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.7 in

Presenting Jesus, the Son of Israel Volume III

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.5 in

9 reviews for Presenting Jesus Bundle

  1. Ian S. Johnson UK

    Jesus was indeed a Jew.
    Well written and very authoritative. I bought this book after seeing a Zoom talk by the author delivered to a small church on the Isle of Wight. Her account of why Nathaniel came to declare Jesus to be the Son of God after a seemingly inconsequential remark by Jesus, was indeed an eye opener to me. I had already come to the conclusion that to understand the Gospel, you need to understand the Old Testament from a Jewish perspective and this is what this book is all about. If you want to know more about Jesus, then buy this book. You won’t be disappointed

  2. Susan Frances UK

    Very interesting and informative, look forward to more to come
    The clear writing style makes this book both informative and fascinating on the one hand, and very easy to read and understand on the other – a great achievement. I enjoyed it very much and hope this perspective becomes more widely known among Jews and Christians especially. I found the explanation of Hebrew and Greek terms from a Jewish perspective most helpful and enlightening. An enriching and insightful book. I look forward to the further volumes the author promises. My only disappointment is that they are not available yet and that books like this seem very hard to find. Thank you Rivi Litvin for this book.

  3. Hope Radney

    Is highly recommended. This book helped me in my journey of the Scriptures.

  4. Sammy

    Discovering the Jewish Jesus I never knew
    Billy Graham endorsed a book written by one of his favorite authors, Phillip Yancy, ” The Jesus I never knew” . Rivi Litvin’s book presents Jesus in the Judaism of his day, I never knew.

  5. PH

    Great book. Would use individually or for group studies to better understand the Jewish perspective of the Bible. Mrs.Litvin has been providing insights on the Bible for many years. I always learn something new due to her knowledge and ability to translate and convey the Jewish text.
    A must read for anyone interested in better understanding of the Bible.

  6. ChopperBob

    Fabulous Insight
    The author is very scholarly and has done the research. In order to understand a text, one has to consider the time, culture, language, idioms, religion, customs and politics of the time. It is eye opening to view the text in it’s proper context in order to understand the words 2,000 years later.
    Fabulous read!

  7. Jack

    Insightful and provocative
    It has for many years been my conviction that we should be studying, hearing, and preaching about Jesus from his own Jewish perspective as well as investigating the culture and linguistics surrounding him. I applaud the author for her diligent and hard work in this research adventure, and I feel that, after reading her perspective, I know my savior more intimately.

  8. Carol Johnson

    Wonderful information from Jewish perspective. Thank you!

  9. Rose

    This book brings a deeper understanding of Jesus.
    If you want to really understand who Jesus was in the context of His life on earth, you need to understand that context. Rivi Litvin not only understands that context since she was born and lived in Israel most of her life, but she also has a special spiritual gift from God to know all the teachings of the Jewish texts and traditions and be able to present the Jewish perspective. She is an amazing teacher and I always am deeply moved by her teaching. Now she has written this book that brings great opportunity to all who buy it to gain from her great knowledge.

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