The Fire of God


Arguably the most complete exegetical study of I Corinthians twelve through fourteen and scholarly commentary on the gifts of the Holy Spirit published in the last several years.


Author: Jim Spillman

Pages: 281

Trim Size: 10.8 x 8.9 x 0.7 inches

Binding: Spiral Bound

ISBN: 978-0-976781-14-1

Subtitle: “The Gifts of the Spirit; Available and Active

Arguably the most complete exegetical study of I Corinthians twelve through fourteen and scholarly commentary on the gifts of the Holy Spirit published in the last several years. The depths of this study mine beneath the King James and other English language translations to the original Greek used by the Apostle Paul to pen this inspired letter to the Corinthian church circa 55 A. D.

Structured in textbook format with study questions at the end of each chapter; The Fire of God is an exhaustive and sometimes challenging work. Your diligence, however, will be rewarded by a deep and biblically accurate understanding of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as first explained to the early Church. This study text is a must for anyone seriously exploring what the Bible really teaches regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10.8 × 8.9 × 0.7 in


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