The Relax Factor


As a new creation in Christ, God has made you all sufficient. Everything you need to defeat worry is either in you or available to you through God’s Word.


As a new creation in Christ, God has made you all sufficient. Everything you need to defeat worry is either in you or available to you through God’s Word.

Only knowledge and skill separate you from a life free from worry. Not a life free of problems, but free from the care of those problems. Liberty-producing knowledge, of course, comes from God and His instructions for our lives.

Remember the five open secrets to winning over worry:

R – Realize the effect of worry. Worry never accomplished anything good.
E – Exercise faith. Believe in bigger and bigger things from God.
L – Look to the Word as your source of faith and power.
A – Always cast your care. Thank Jesus for carrying it all.
X – “xercise” patience. Act, speak and believe in your heart that your needs have been met.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 7 × 0.5 in


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