You Can’t Live On A Stump


Finding New Meaning in the Shadow of Fallen Dreams


This is a story of my walk to freedom. You can choose to write me off as a tainted Christian or you can choose to allow God to speak to you through my struggle and the struggles of others in this book. I choose freedom. I choose to be loved as I am. I have found a God Who does such a thing. It is now my task to embrace that love.

You will read about real people and the choices they made when faced with difficult circumstances. Their choices either empowered them or kept them victims. Our choices either empower or weaken us as we face what life throws at us. This is not Heaven. Bad things happen to good people. Sometimes parents aren’t there to show us the love and stability that we need. Sometimes we make mistakes that alter the direction of our life. Sometimes life just sucks.

Life always has its unfair and trying times; if we meet these situations with empowering choices, our character strengthens and develops, and we find victory in our circumstances. If we choose blame, self-condemnation, playing the victim, or just giving up, then we experience defeat. First and foremost, we were placed on this earth to develop our character into the nature of Christ. I’m all for good times, but also I’m all for growth—and we grow through difficult times.

I hope you’ll identify with these stories and find hope and empowerment as you discover your own potential of choice. I now walk in full pardon and I am free. I cannot tell you how good it feels. The goal of this book is that you also may find your pardon and freedom.

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