Wes-MemorialI’d like to say ‘goodbye for now’ to a friend and author Wesley Smith. Last week Wes joined the saints in Heaven who wait for us. His life of service and joy and continually ignoring the rules was an inspiration to me.

Very early in my publishing career Wes mailed me a printed copy of his manuscript that would become his book, A Simple Witness.  I picked up the manuscript and didn’t put it down until I had read it through. His words captured me and then led me on a journey that, when I had finished the last page, made us life-long friends and co-conspirators in the Kingdom of God. A Simple Witness was the first book we published with an author’s last name other than Spillman.

Wes was a dear friend for years. We never met in person, and when we spoke on the phone one of us would would remember and mention that fact and it would amaze us. We were brothers from the beginning.

A Simple Witness is the story of Wes’s life up to the time he wrote it. I don’t want this post to be a spoiler, but Wes became a master at winning souls, helping the helpless and ignoring the rules. Let’s just say China should have inspected his bags more closely and more often if quashing Christian believers was on their agenda.

If you haven’t read A Simple Witness yet, I invite you to. You’ll be inspired. You can download the pdf version right here (Simple Witness), my gift to you because it was Wes’s gift to me.

We love you and appreciate you Wes. Save us a place at the table.