A Return to Sonship
Sonship is the exclusive relationship between God and His children. From God s perspective, this relationship was, is and will always be second to none. Biblical Sonship has to do with position, and not gender; it is a distinct place of privilege that God ordained for his entire family (male and female) on the earth. A greater knowledge of our Sonship with God leads to a richer understanding of the value of our position, purpose, place and destiny both with God and in creation. Recognizing our true relationship with God, and our awareness of our rule in the earth, leads to a mindset shift that enables the children of God to glorify Him to the fullest, by walking in all of the privileges, power, rights and responsibilities inherent as the children of God.
Relationships: Your Key to Divine Destiny
This book highlights the significant role that “relationship” plays in the fulfillment of God’s will, plan, and purpose, in and through the lives of His people.
It is vital for people of God to understand that while divine destiny is certainly linked to their relationship with God, destiny is also connected to other people. It cannot be argued that it is God who determines and establishes our personal destiny, but it is also true that He will use people as a part of the process associated with the realization of our destiny. In order for anyone to enter into all that God has ordained for us, we must develop a meaningful relationship with God and with other people as well.
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