Stephanie N. Hall

Live Your StoryLive Your Story

Once Upon a Time…

God has been writing His story since before creation, and He is writing you into it. You are a vital part of God’s story. Many of us struggle to find our place in our own story, let alone our part in His. Live Your Story shares Stephanie N. Hall’s journey of finding her story and the lessons she is learning in the process of living it.

This story begins, as it should, with the Master Storyteller. It is only in the light of our relationship with God that we are able to fully see who we were made to be and why. After all, who better to guide us to our design than the One who designed us? On the solid foundation of relationship with Him, we can discover who we are meant to be, live our part in His story, and influence eternity!

About the author

Stephanie HallStephanie N. Hall is a lover of words and their power to paint a picture or communicate a message to nearly anyone. Whether sung, spoken, or written, words have power, and Stephanie enjoys using them in all forms to speak life into others. Her conversational tone and storytelling invites others into the stories, inspire them to think deeply about their own lives, and encourage them to live their own stories courageously. Stephanie is passionate about helping people find their God-designed identity and the intention He had for their involvement in His Kingdom. Out of that passion comes this book to share the journey of discovery she has taken to her own identity and purpose in hopes of helping others find the fulfillment of walking in the truth of who they were created to be.


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