Climb_Coffee_webI was talking to a book publisher friend of mine in the UK this morning and I told him that our business really shifted a few years ago from publishing books to telling stories. We publish books, lots of them, but that’s not our business. Our business, whether it’s through authors, musicians, ministries, or corporations, is telling stories.

Matt and I were talking to one of our authors, Chip Furr a week or so ago about his upcoming devotional book, “Unfiltered” (working title). You see, Chip and his wife Cheery own and operate Climb’s Roast a coffee roasting company. The devotional is theme around coffee and the analogies and spiritual lessons we can sometimes learn through the care of roasting the perfect bean and brewing the perfect cup of coffee.

Chip is really a story teller – a great writer, but a story teller first. I suggested to Chip that he record the weekly devotionals to audio and really let his story telling voice come through. Chip did me one better, he got together with friend and visual guru Ken Noblezada and produced a sample devotional video. It’s awesome! I want to share it with you. This is really what telling your story is about. The product is the message, not the platform. Whatever medium or hopefully mediums, you choose, tell your story to reach your audience. People will buy Chip’s book because of his videos; they’ll watch his videos because the read his book, they’ll listen to his audio podcast because it’s easier when they’re walking or driving or doing the dishes. And each time, over each medium, Chip’s story will be told and his audience will grow. Nice job my friend! I wouldn’t expect anything less from a great story teller.