We’re excited about the book agreement we’ve just signed with popular (and prolific!) author Jeff Kinley. Face to Face: Engaging God in True Worship is expected to launch for the 2016 holiday season.
Jeff, a full time author and speaker, has written 24 books to date, including Wake The Bride, As it was in the Days of Noah, and The Christian Zombie Killers Handbook. He has published with Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, Harvest House, David C. Cook and other traditional Christian publishers. Jeff’s books have been endorsed by Andy Stanley, Mark Hitchcock, Dawson McAllister, Joe White, Denny Rydberg, Chuck Klein, Franklin Graham, Bart Millard, Chris Tomlin, Jason Truby, Mark Matlock, Sally Morgenthaler and Sean T. Page … and many others.

Jeff has cool friends. “Daryl” from The Walking Dead and Steve from … well … here.
I met Jeff via phone after The Christian Zombie Killers Handbook (Thomas Nelson, 2011). Until lately we’ve kept in touch occasionally, talking about his latest titles, book marketing and Christian publishing in general.
Lately, we’ve been talking more.
Jeff is not just a great author, he’s a savvy book marketer. He understands that today, because of technology and the Internet, everything has changed: how authors communicate with their audiences, how books are distributed, where books are sold, how people share ideas – everything. Christian authors, publishers, distributors and booksellers had better change to keep up or be left behind.
Jeff is keeping up; he gets “new” publishing … and he’s a pretty awesome author. That’s why we’re excited. Welcome aboard Jeff Kinley!